chris willett

Monday, October 24, 2005

Number 9 Monday

I had booked the motorbike today but I awoke to rain which stopped fairly quickly- but started again. I had an early breakfast and headed down to the rental place only to find it closed. They finally appeared at 20 past 8, apologising and blaming the traffic. It was previously pointed out to me that the booking was firm whatever the weather and I was looking at losing 55 quid or a wet day on a motorbike- which given I can get wet on a motorbike any time at home also sounded like losing 55 quid. I established that the bike was free tomorrow and then pointed out that I was paying in excess of 1 Rand per minute (a calculation I made while standing outside the locked premises waiting for them) for a bike which was mine from 8 o'clock but had been sitting in their shop window. This didn't sound like a good deal from my point of view since I could look at it through the glass for nothing on any other day. We agreed, having checked the weather forcast and found that Tuesday's predicted 30% chance of rain was preferable to today's 60% to postpone our business when they will hopefully leave home a bit earlier.
I adjourned to internet cafe with coffee to entertain you!


At 8:25 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey chris willett...sounds like you are having a fabulous time. but you know the first rule of travelling...dont waste time writing about it, get out there and do it! news for you, sold my house after 4 days, bought another one and Emma had a date with your young policeman friend - who apparently said you were his hero!! Andrew says hi, and hes on his RAF course, learning about weapons etc. part from that life as it was.....ain't missing much, part from us i expect. (not!)


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