It Happpened
About 6 weeks ago I got the change of staff so desparatley need. Loiuse had worked as a
house keeper in Tignes and wanted to be with Lewis our chef and her boyfriend. I'm not entirely sure what being together has done for their relationship as Lewis is as petulent as any chef but I'm glad to have her, if only because she engages with the guests and that makes them happy. Tom2, the 6'7" public schoolboy who's shoes would be more fitting on a tramp and Fraser, the only other person I've met who has been to Kansas City also started as hotel assitants. They are both bright and alert and the guests love them too. The whole place is brighter and with so many extra bodies I often find I have nothing to do rather than working flat out from 7am till 11pm doing the jobs of 3 people in addition to the jobs of 3 people I already do.
I ski host 2 1/2 days a week and have only met 3 guys who were better skiers than me- which is nice. Though to be fair I have got better, much better through the season and have managed 18 days out of the past 20 on the slopes. I can't get out on Sunday's because that's when I have to go to the airport but it's not bad going all the same.I haven't has as much time on powder as I would nave liked and looking back wish I'd paid for some lessons- I used all my blagging skills to get freebies for the guys who hadn't done it before however, on piste and over the bumps I find myself leaving the guests for dead if I want. This a little strange becuase I have obvioulsy got better slowly and not really noticed it. I feel it has taken it's toll on my knees so I can see myself taking up boarding which is much easier on them- if I am going ot go to the dark side I may as well do it while I'm here and can get a board free..
The weather has been amazing and I have a decent suntan on my face- I'm working on other parts of my body. The hotel is looking great, the feedback from the guests is great too with many racing home to book next year as long as Total can promise the staff will be as good as us! We get to do the little things like polish wine glasses which in the past was impossible, I knew it needed doing, I knew the guests knew but just didn't have the resources to do it- and that is seriously frustrating.
Anna, my line manager told me that working a season is like having children, you forget the pain of the beginning and after a while think more about doing it again- I don't want to jinx it but I have been on a roll for 6 weeks. Guests love us, we are happy, the weather is great and although a little soft the snow is good. 4 weeks left then it's party time.
I'll try to get some photos on here soon.
Sounds like you have had a tough few months, but at least the last few weeks have been better and you are on the home straight!! Well maybe not home, but off on your next adventure.
You have done the right thing sticking it out, it has clearly paid off and your memories will be better for it.
Enjoy your last 4 weeks and look after your knees.
Pip :o)
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