chris willett

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The next adventure

Well, it's all over, the pain the glory (well there wasn't much of that). The best thing is when a certain friend who knew how bad it got at the worst time said "well done, you stuck it out". Only then did I feel like I had accomplished something, I guess the measure of whether I did something worthwhile is the number of people who were trying to get me back next season- from the Managing Director down, even people I rubbed against said I did a great job. The last week wasn't as tough as I expected, anyone who has moved house (especially military accomodation) would have managed it- just on a bigger scale. We got the place cleaned and squared away in 4 days which left 2 for skiing the slush, sunbathng or getting a few Alpine walks in where the grass and Eidelweiss was starting to poke through. Anna, my boss knew she wouldn't find much wrong when she turned up to find one of the lads hoovering the driveway- he was quick to explain that he was under orders. It's funny how two 19 year olds would walk past a pile of rubbish, a dirty window or empty beer glass to ask me what I wanted them to do next. No matter how many times I explained my ethos that if their job was to keep something clean I didn't care when or how often they cleaned it I still had to check and tell them to clean it. The concept that the final result of something being cleaned was a clean thing was lost, they thought that them carrying out the action was the important bit, not the conclusion or solution which is what I needed.I am profoundly relieved that I will not be a project manager in Borneo and subject to the same management challenges in different setting.

In the last week I had more time that usual to reflect on some of the things I had missed about home and, as often happens when away for any time, some of the things I thought I missed but didn't really exist.

Car ownership- when I sold my car without the need to replace it I felt liberated. From the expence, the admin of tax and insurance, the burden of repairs and keeping it clean, the dependence and the pulls from the World of advertising trying to get me to buy a different one. After years of driving tens of thousands of miles a year and virtually working from a car I thought I wouldn't even miss driving. Well, I was wrong, I miss it all (except the working bit)- I never thought I was materialistic, but I found myself thumbing through a 'What Car' left on a coach by a guest and choosing my next car. I have reconciled with myself that I have another adventure to look forward to on my return- as long as I have some money left.

I thought I missed the politeness of drivers in the UK- but when I got back home drivers were just as rude as in Austria, damn those rose tinted specs.

Green grass- you won't believe how much I missed it. The lasndcape of snow is beautiful but I longed to see a meadow and lie in the sunshine on the warm grass- and still do.

Police sirens- I never heard one all Winter-bliss!

Junk Mail- I got just as much as at home- but couldn't get into Innsbruck or Bludenz to take advantage of the fantastic offers.

Motorbikes- this is a big one, the desire to ride my bike ate away at me, even though I don't use it that much in the Winter anyway. I've resolved to rent or buy a bike to travel round New Zealand.

Mountain bikes- a little of the same thing I guess, as the snow melted I saw places I wanted to ride- and couldn't.

Dogs- another big one. Dodge has been gone long enough and I never missed him more. Down the road lived a guy with a rescue dog trained to dig people out of avanlaches. A silky black lab, they went everywhere together, and I coveted that dog like nothing ever before.

TV adverts. Not at all, TV in general. Last night at my folks was Coronation Street, Snooker, on Sunday, Antiques Roadshow- has nothing changed? Has there been no development or progress while I was away?

The Simpsons- TV's saving grace.

My friends- I missed them more than I thought, many came to visit, which maybe made me miss them more. I wish I could have spent more time with them while they were there but work got in the way. Leadership is a lonely place, so is being 20 years older than everyone else, I'm content with my own company which I just as well since the gap between me and my crew was necessary and natural.

Travel- this I have mentioned before but the awesome weight of being trapped in a small Alpine village was almost unbearable- to the extent that if I did do another season I would consider the disproportionate expense of buying or taking a car (two birds killed with one stone).

Gardening- yep I missed it, just like everyone in Winter, I missed the smells and colours or flowers, barbeques and sitting outside. But I missed having little jobs which contributed to my quality of life rather than somebody elses holiday.

Healthy food- Lewis the chef had a thing about cream, pork with cream, pasta carbonara, fish cooked in cream- and unable to get any real exercise I felt it all the more. I cooked for everyone every Thursday- and I wasn't being totally altruistic.

I have just about 11 days before I head to Israel and there's a lot to be sorted out. However, after one day at my folks house I find it difficult to not wake up early, relax or find things to do. I need a proper holiday!


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